Mixed Emotions

Posted in lab.

Scott’s decision to have us work in pairs last Thursday with a new partner was once again very helpful. While Joe is much farther along than I am in both the dailies and project work and general apprehension of the concepts (and he is admirably humble about all this too), I was still so inspired by how much he thinks through and likes to talk out what to code that I feel even more compelled than before to make an effort to be actually writing out pseudo-code before putting code into Atom.

I’m also pleased to report that Hassan and I were able to get pretty far along on HUD on our own without solely relying on other classmates or Scott for assistance. At Monday’s open lab, I tinkered with HUD on my own for a while before asking Scott for help. For HUD, I only had made mistakes on a few lines of code and I did need some more clarification from Scott on functions, but having gotten so far on the daily without having someone just do it for me gave me some confidence.

At this point in the semester, I’m feeling a little more confident than I was a few weeks ago, but I still want to get a better grasp on everything we’ve learned so far and arrays especially. I’m now caught up on doing and submitting the previous dailies so I’m relieved that I won’t be trying to finish those at the last minute. While I feel good about that, I do earnestly want to be able to know all the concepts we’ve learned so far better. Like Todd, I’m trucking along and trying to put in the work to pass the course. Since my current spring break plans consist of doing taxes and getting a tooth filling, I’m definitely going to make time next week to finish watching whatever Daniel Schiffman videos I haven’t watched yet and (while I don’t want to do this) I think re-doing at least one of the array dailies might help me learn what I’m not grasping about them.