Submitting Incompetence

Posted in lab.

I will start my coding blog for this week by being frank and sharing that I am straight up embarrassed that I am still always unsure if I am submitting my dailies work correctly or not. Todd mentioned that he feels he is behind in the class on coding and the daily lessons, and to that I say, Todd, you are not alone. I’ve been doing our dailies, but I have not been consistently submitting them and I worry that this is putting me behind or at least on some kind of work slippery slope. I’ve been diligently doing my weekly assignments either on my own or with the assistance of David, Diana, and/or Kelly, but I am still always nervous when submitting a pull request. On a practical and reasonable level, I know that I shouldn’t be nervous about submitting a pull request because I both have notes on how to submit work and there is a ‘submitting work’ How To guide on the main Eng7006 GitHub page. Still, I get easily confused when I sometimes have multiple files in the same project, and then I start to worry that I’m not saving my work correctly and that I’m not going to submit the work correctly either, etc. Most of the time I have submitted my work I’ve had other people walk me through the process because I worry I’m going to do something wrong. At this point, it’s too far in the semester for me to not know how to submit work so I need to either stop worrying when I submit a pull request or at least realize that my worrying is what is distracting me from just knowing how to do the same process each time I submit my work when I already have instructions on how to do so in my notes and the How To page. In a previous blog post, I mentioned that I want to take advantage of Scott’s office hours for help on matters like this, but I still have not done this and want to make the time.

Something that made thinking through this week’s dailies more constructive than other weeks is that the daily work we had done in previous weeks was helpful both in terms of writing out the code and thinking about what needed to be included or excluded from the code. For example, to keep the bubbles from collecting at the top, I thought back to the OG, rudimentary vertical and horizontal balls and how originally they didn’t bounce. That put me on track to being able to envision both on the canvas and within the code what the final product would look like, and this led to that particular daily being done quickly. I was pleased with this week’s dailies that I could use what I have learned in thinking through the coding, and being able to do this was a reminder that I have been learning even though I find the coding process to be both mentally and time draining.